eINDIA 2014 – Emerging Innovations… – Nagendran Sundararajan,Executive Vice President, MeritTrac

  • 29-11-2014 08:57:27
  • e-governance

Nagendran Sundararajan, Executive Vice President, Merit Trac in his address at #elets #elets2014 discusses about various aspects of conducting tests. According to Mr. Sundararajan, an important components in a test are test development, and how you deliver the test. For test development only setting up a series of questions is not enough. In the test development validity and reliability is more important. The validity test as similar to driving text, where a person is judged by one’s driving skills in addition to written test. Therefore, in a test to first check the competence first, technology helps to construct a relevant test. He focused about the importance of computerized tests is being selected by more than 6 lakh bankers using computerized test.

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