eINDIA 2014 – mGovernance in the Era of… – Rajesh Agarwal, Principal Secretary, Dept. of IT…

  • 29-11-2014 11:31:36
  • e-governance

In his address at #elets #eIndia2014 summit, Rajesh Aggarwal, Principal Secretary, Department of IT, Government of Maharashtra explained about the next road ahead towards #DigitalIndiaPlatform expanding on the basis of broad band and wifi expansion. Now- a-days, most of the programs on the e-Governance have been converted and updated into cloud. According to Mr. Aggarwal in India, there are at present are about one crore desktops and 81 crore mobile phones. Everything government is now accessible on mobile. The electronic payments are in system and government doesn’t want check system any more. The concentration is more towards electronic payment and electronic receipt. Digital by default, every scheme and programs has to be digital first.

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