eINDIA 2015 – Manoj Agarwal, Business Development Manager-Public Sector India & SAARC, NetApp

  • 30-12-2015 06:07:26
  • e-governance

When it comes to ICT, data would be critical and it would be at the core. We believe that we have an important role to play in smart cities. Brick and mortal will play a very important role when it comes to smart cities but at the top of it it is an icing on the cake. A very important and integral part of smart cities is the information and communication technology. A critical success factor for the smart cities is the collaboration between the various departments. The police and the health department are also working in close connection to minimise the loss of life and property. Moreover, it is ultimately the technology which would enable the close collaboration between these departments and what is helping the authorrities to take smart decisions is essentially the data. Therefore, data architectures need a very close look while they are defining the IT architecture for these smart cities. We at NetApp essentially help the cutomers to store, manaage and protect the data. As per a recent survey, we are among the best five multinational companies to work globally and in India, we are amng the top 20 companies to work for.