Elets’ 7th World Education Summit’ 16 – The Debate: MOOC’s… – Dr M Ramamoorty, Chancellor…

  • 08-09-2016 07:21:06
  • Artificial Intelligence

Elets’ 7th World Education Summit’ 16 – The Debate: MOOC’s Will replace Traditional Direct Student Learning – Dr M Ramamoorty, Chancellor, K L University, Andhra Pradesh

Key Discussion Points:
What is the role of higher educati on: The place you go to learn informati on or the place you go make use of informati on?
Can MOOC’s off er more beyond criti cal thinking and soft skills or will traditi onal insti tuti ons conti nue to be the dominant insti tuti on for skills acquisiti on?
What is the role of MOOC’s and can they be merged into college programs so the two model co-exist?
Will MOOC’s replace liberal arts colleges and business related studies in the future?

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