Serge Thierry Mandoukou Ombegue, Cultural Counsellor Embassy of Gabon, New Delhi at Elets Annual HIS

  • 12-12-2019 10:58:50
  • Health

Elets Conference: Gabon is tip-toed to improve the landscape of their healthcare system: Cultural Counselor Embassy of Gabon, New Delhi

Gabon is on Africa’s west coast with a population of 2 million people, with 9 states which we call as Province. In terms of healthcare innovation the Government of Gabon has taken a large program of innovations.

One of the main innovation is the Gabon Project. We have 2 components in this. In order to strengthen the national health information system, improving the ongoing population rate and improving the quality care and also boosting ICT skills. The second component is to address broader economy by promoting development of content upright and services related putting health information on line. All those drastic measures taken by the government in order to transform the healthcare in Gabon.

In accordance with some expert of the world bank, the new standards and systems have improved the quality of healthcare in the country by providing physicians, nurses and healthcare workers with the information needed to perform better diagnosis and treatment of patient’s conditions and also allowing the information to be shared with other health professionals. The information in terms of innovations, system, communication, software and program are competing to improve continuity, efficiency and timeliness. Gabon has validated a strategic master plan of health information system of Gabon by the committee in 2017. It was necessary to develop those pillars as Legal Frameworks. In terms of cooperation of India, we need their support in order to improve our healthcare system. Gabon also plans to digitise its health system.

The government of Gabon is preparing new legislation to develop health services or so. This project was initiated to control the healthcare costs and also aims to foster emergence of digital healthcare ecosystem. in the field of health information. Gabon has undertaken a vast reform of its system since 2000. Those programs integrate 3 axes namely the reform of the government of the health sectors. The reform of health financing and the improvement of the supply and quality of care through the modernisation of infrastructure and the development of human resources. The objective of these reforms is to offer people universal health coverage but also quality care.

The presidential will was again manifested in January 2018 with the free deliveries Cesarean section and neonatal care in all public health facilities to extend even more health coverage. All of this has enabled Gabon to strengthen equity in access to care by significantly contributing to the protection of the population against financial wrecks.

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